Stick Ranger Glitches
Anglestones. In the post-apocalyptic supernatural setting, you choose one of three classes (Berserker, Gunslinger, or Shadow Mage) and fight with angels against a demonic army. The game supports co-op and PvP modes, and multiplayer is cross-platform across all devices Angel Stone plays on (iOS, Android, and technically PC but it’s really a Facebook canvas).Attendance must be dwindling, because Fincon has put out a wide notice calling attention to an event called “Return To Angel Stone.” The event serves as both a call for those who have abandoned the game to return, and an introduction for newbies to pick it up.Angel Stone’s Weekend Events are packed with tons of useful boosts and discounts for players to use over the weekend!
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ControlsMoveDrag the StickmanAttackFully automaticItemsDrag and dropPause & OptionSpace keyLPLife pointSTRStrengthDEXDexterityMAGMagicATMin. Attack - Max. Attack speed - Max.